Key Facts
BirthAbt. 1792.
RelationshipsHelena Millward, 1 February 1813, at St Chad's Church, Longford, Derbyshire.
Children4 identified children, possibly one additional child who died as an infant.
ResidenceDerbyshire, England (Sutton on the Hill, Thurvaston)
DeathAbt. June 1846. Aged 54 years.
ConfidenceLow confidence

Abt. February 1813
aged 21 years


Samuel Bull of Sutton-on-the-Hill and Elleanor Millward of Longford were married by Banns at St Chad's Church, Longford, Derbyshire.

13 August 1841
aged 49 years


Samuel Bull, of Thurvaston, disclaimed responsibility for any future debt incurred by his wife, Ellen Bull.

Abt. October 1846


Probate of the estate of Samuel Bull was granted to Thomas Harper and George Brassington, Farmers of Cropps, Derbyshire.

Samuel Bull was born around January 1792 to parents William Bull & Hannah. He was baptised at St Michael’s Church, Sutton-on-the-Hill, Derbyshire, on 16th January 1792 [Figure 1].

Figure 1 - 16 January 1792, Samuel Bull, son of William and Hannah Bull, was baptised at St Michael's Church, Sutton-on-the-Hill. [More about this record…]

On 1st February 1813, at 21 years of age, Samuel married Elleanor Millward of Longford, Derbyshire [Figure 2]. The marriage took place at St Chad’s Church in Longford, and was witnessed by Samuel’s older brother Joseph Bull, and Joseph’s wife Susana Bull [1] (formerly Millward, also Elleanor’s sister).

Figure 2 - 1 February 1813, Samuel Bull of Sutton-on-the-Hill and Elleanor Millward of Longford were married by Banns at St Chad's Church, Longford, Derbyshire. Witnessed by Joseph Bull and Susana Bull. [More about this record…]

Three months after their marriage, in about May 1813, Elleanor (now known as Ellen Bull) gave birth to their first child, Samuel Bull. They were still living in Longford at the time, where Samuel was working as a Labourer.

At some point between 1813 and 1816, the family moved back to Sutton-on-the-Hill, where they had three more sons, John Bull (b. 1816), George Bull (b. 1818) and Joseph Bull (b. 1821).

Aside from a hypothesis regarding a possible fifth child, there is no further record of the family until 1841, when Samuel & Ellen are enumerated living alone in Cropper Lane Ends [Figure 3]. Interestingly, Samuel’s occupation is listed as “Publican”. This is the only record on which his occupation is anything other than “Labourer”. However, research conducted so far concludes that this is most likely correct.

Figure 3 - 1841 England & Wales Census, Household of Samuel Bull (extract). [More about this record…]

In August 1841, Samuel posted a notice in the Derby Mercury, disclaiming responsibility for any future debt incurred by his wife Ellen [Figure 4]. Unfortunately, no context to explain this notice or the events that lead to it has been found so far.

Figure 4 - 13 August 1841, Samuel Bull, of Thurvaston, disclaimed responsibility for any future debt incurred by his wife, Ellen Bull. [More about this record…]

On 9th April 1846, Samuel made his final Will and Testament [Figure 5], in which he bequeathed his entire estate to his wife Ellen. She would be permitted to use and occupy his land and house until her death or remarriage, on the condition that any of his sons could build a cottage or house on his land for their own occupation.

Upon her death or remarriage, the sum of £3 would be paid to sons John and George. His eldest son Samuel would inherit his estate, subject to him paying in money one-fourth of the estate’s value to each of his three brothers, John, George and Joseph.

The Will was witnessed by Ela Milward of Sutton-on-the-Hill and Charles Chadwick of Cropper. Samuel appointed as Executors his friends, Thomas Harper [2] (possibly Samuel’s brother-in-law) and George Brassington [3], both Farmers of Cropps.

Figure 5 - 9 April 1846, Samuel Bull (a Labourer) of Lane Ends, Sutton-of-the-Hill, wrote his last Will and Testament. [More about this record…]

Exactly two months after writing his Will, on 9th June 1846, Samuel died of diseased liver [Figure 6]. Jane Smith of Osleston (as yet unidentified) was present at the death. Samuel was buried at St Michael’s Church, Sutton-on-the-Hill, on 14th June 1846. No grave marker survives.

Figure 6 - 13 June 1846, Samuel Bull (a Labourer) died at Osleston on 9th June 1846 of a diseased liver, aged 54 years. [More about this record…]
Figure 7 - 14 June 1846, Samuel Bull was buried at St Michael's Church, Sutton-on-the-Hill, Derbyshire aged 54 years. [More about this record…]

On 13th October 1846, administration of Samuel’s estate was granted to his executors, Thomas Harper and George Brassington [Figure 8].

Figure 8 - 13 October 1846, Probate of the estate of Samuel Bull was granted to Thomas Harper and George Brassington, Farmers of Cropps, Derbyshire. Value of estate under £20. [More about this record…]

Additional Records

Research Opportunities

Completed Research

Research Statement

The following table provides confidence levels for individual aspects of the research undertaken. Note that these confidence levels do not take into account contextual information and only apply to the evidence gathered for the individual fact. A wholistic confidence level for the ancestor can be found in the Key Facts table at the top of the page.

FactConfidenceSupporting Evidence
Birth Date00 sources found.
Birth Place00 sources found.
Marriage Date3

1 primary source

Marriage Place3

1 primary source


1 primary source

2 secondary sources


1 secondary source

Death Date1

1 secondary source

Death Place00 sources found.


Sources for historical records included in this page are not listed for brevity. They can be found by clicking through to the individual records, or by visiting the Ancestry or FamilySearch profiles linked at the top of this page.

[1] Susannah Millward (1788–1866). (2022, November 3). Retrieved from FamilySearch:

[2] Thomas Harper (1794-1877). (2022, October 19). Retrieved from FamilySearch:

[3] George Brassington (1802-1873). (2022, October 19). Retrieved from FamilySearch: