Record TypeBirth
Record Date10 March 1873
10 March 1873, Sarah Ellen Salt born at Marchington on 3rd March 1873, daughter of Thomas Salt (a Farmer) and Elizabeth Salt (formerly Shaw).[2]


Superintendent Registrar’s District Uttoxeter
Registrar’s District Sudbury

1873. BIRTHS in the District of Sudbury in the Counties of Stafford & Derby

No. 481
When Born. Third March 1873
Marchington Stafford
Name, if any. Sarah Ellen
Sex. Girl
Name and Surname of Father. Thomas Salt
Name and Maiden Surname of Mother. Elizabeth Salt formerly Shaw
Rank or Profession of Father. Farmer
Signature, Description, and Residence of Informant. Elizabeth Salt
When Registered. Tenth March 1873
Signature of Registrar. Solomon Meakin


[1] PDF copy of the birth registration for Sarah Ellen Salt [1873, M Quarter, UTTOXETER, Volume 6B, Page 354]. (2022, August 31). Retrieved from England, General Register Office

[2] PDF copy of the birth registration for Sarah Ellen Salt [1873, M Quarter, UTTOXETER, Volume 6B, Page 354]. (2022, August 31). Retrieved from England, General Register Office