Samuel Bull, Labourer of Lane Ends, Derbyshire, made his final will on 9th April 1846, in which he bequeathed his entire estate to his wife Ellen Bull. She would be permitted to use and occupy his land and house until her death or remarriage, on the condition that any of his sons could build a cottage or house on his land for their own occupation.
Upon her death or remarriage, the sum of £3 would be paid to sons John and George. His eldest son Samuel would inherit his estate, subject to him paying in money one-fourth of the estate’s value to each of his three brothers, John, George and Joseph.
The Will was witnessed by Ela Milward of Sutton-on-the-Hill and Charles Chadwick of Cropper. Samuel appointed as Executors his friends, Thomas Harper [1] (possibly Samuel’s brother-in-law) and George Brassington [2], both Farmers of Cropps.

This is the last Will and Testament of me, Samuel Bull of Lane ends in the parish of Sutton-on-the Hill in the County of Derby Labourer whereby I do order and direct that all the just debts which shall be owing by me at my decease, and my Funeral and testamentary expenses; shall be justly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently may be after my death
And I do give devise and bequeath unto my Executors hereinafter named all that and those my Freehold House or Tenement out Buildings Gardens and premises situated and being at Lane ends aforesaid and also all of my Household furniture farming stock and implements of husbandry
Upon Trust to permit my wife Ellen Bull to have the use and occupation thereof for and during the term of her natural life provided she shall so long continue my Widow and also provided that if any one of my Sons hereinafter named shall desire to build for himself a Cottage or dwelling house on my premises called the top Garden that He shall have free liberty so to do without let or hindrance and from and after my said Wife’s death or second marriage I give and bequeath the sum of three pounds of good and lawful money to each of my live sons John and George Bull.
I also give devise and bequeath all my said Freehold House, Gardens and premises and also my said household furniture, Farming stock and Implements and all the rest residue and remainder of my effects whatsoever and wheresoever hot hereinafter disposed of unto my second son John Bull his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns fore ever subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the payment of one fourth part of the just value of the said Freehold estates and Personal effects unto each of my three remaining sons namely Samuel, George and Joseph Bull to them their heirs Executor administrators and assigns Such valuation being made by a competent person and three fourths thereof paid in good and lawful money to my said three sons by my said son John Bull as stated above
And lastly I do nominate constitute and appoint my Friends Thomas Harper and George Brassington Farmers of Cropps Executors of this my Will and revoke all former wills by me made and publish and declare this to be my last will and Testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set and put my hand and seal the ninth day of April One thousand eight hundred and forty six
} Samuel Bull
Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Testator Samuel Bull as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed out name as Witnesses on the day of the date thereof having first noticed the interlineation of the word “death” in the twenty fifth line of the first page or folio
Ela Milward of Sutton
Charles Chadwick of cropper
[1] Thomas Harper (1794-1877). (2022, October 19). Retrieved from FamilySearch:
[2] George Brassington (1802-1873). (2022, October 19). Retrieved from FamilySearch:
[3] Staffordshire, Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry wills and probate 1521-1860 for Samuel Bull. (2022, October 18). Retrieved from Findmypast:
[4] Staffordshire, Dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry wills and probate 1521-1860 for Samuel Bull. (2022, October 18). Retrieved from Findmypast: