In April and May 1843, Banns of marriage were read between Joseph Bull of the Parish of Sutton-on-the-Hill and Eliza Mansfield of the Parish of Etwall. Despite searches of both the Sutton-on-the-Hill and Etwall Parish Registers, no record of the marriage has been found.

7 May 1843, Banns of marriage between Joseph Bull of Sutton-on-the-Hill & Eliza Mansfield of Etwall were read on 23rd April, 30th April, and 7th May 1843.[2]


No. 74

Banns of Marriage between Joseph Bull of this Parish and Eliza Mansfield of the Parish of Etwall.

1st Time, Sunday, April 23rd by P Buckston
2nd Time, Sunday, April 30 by P Buckston
3rd Time, Sunday, May 7, by P Buckston


[1] Derbyshire, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1932 for Joseph Bull. (2022, September 5). Retrieved from Ancestry:

[2] Derbyshire, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1932 for Joseph Bull. (2022, September 5). Retrieved from Ancestry: