Type & StatusRelationship (Children), Complete (Unresolved)
Research LocationOnline: UK GRO | Queensland, Australia BDM Index | FamilySearch | Ancestry


Some records for George William Bull reveal the existence of two deceased children for which it has not yet been possible to locate any confirmatory records. The first is revealed in the 1911 Census return, where George lists seven children, two of whom have died [Figure 1].

Up until the date of the Census (2nd April 1911), only six children have been identified, with one of those deceased. As George completed the return himself, it is unlikely to be a mistake.

Figure 1 - Extract of the 1911 Census return for the household of G W Bull, showing that seven children were born in the marriage, with two having died.

The second child is revealed on his death certificate, which shows three deceased females, and one deceased male, in addition to the six living children (ten children in total) [Figure 2].

Figure 2 - Extract of the death certificate for George William Bull, showing six living children and four deceased children.

At the time of George’s death, his youngest son Eric Frederick had not yet been born, so the total number of identified children were eight. This indicates that two additional unidentified children had been born (including the abovementioned child from the 1911 Census).

George’s death was reported by his wife, so unless a mistake was made when entering the record, it is likely to be accurate. The first child would have been born and died in England, as the family had not yet emigrated. Based on the births of the identified children, the second child must have been born in Australia.

Research Activities

The following calendar indicates the births and associated pregnancy terms of identified children in blue. Taking these into account, it then shows possible birth dates of the two unidentified children in green.

Search 1 – Birth of the first unidentified child in England

Potential matches for first unidentified child from GRO birth index based on possible birth dates shown in above calendar. Search limited to ASHBOURNE registration district, surname Bull and variations (Ball, Bell, Bill, Boll).

Possible DatesPossible MatchesGRO Birth ReferenceMother’s Maiden SurnameBaptismReason(s) Excluded
1899, Feb-OctBull, Thomas William1899 M Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 641ChellMother’s maiden surname
Bull, Phyllis May1899 S Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 683JacksonMother’s maiden surname
Bill, Hilda1899 M Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 641AncestryParents’ names at Baptism
1901, Apr-DecBill, Charles1901 D Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 687HughesMother’s maiden surname
Bell, Harold1901 D Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 685BullAncestryMother’s maiden surname, parents’ names at Baptism
1903, Jun-DecBull, Arthur Frederick1903 D Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 717ChellAncestryMother’s maiden surname, parents’ names at Baptism
Bull, John1903 S Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 734HarperMother’s maiden surname
1904, JanNone found.
1905, Jul-DecNone found.
1906, Jan-MayBull, Annie Elizabeth1906 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 720JacksonMother’s maiden surname
Bull, Frank1906 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 723HollowayMother’s maiden surname
Bull, Walter1906 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 723HarperMother’s maiden surname
1907, Nov-DecNone found.
1908, Jan-DecBull, Dorothy1908 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 789JacksonMother’s maiden surname
Bull, Edith Helen1908 D Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 702JohnsonMother’s maiden surname
Bull, Lilian1908 D Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 704ChellAncestryMother’s maiden surname, parents’ names at Baptism
Bell, Wilfred1908 M Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 759BullAncestryMother’s maiden surname, parents’ names at Baptism
Bull, Arthur1908 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 787HarperMother’s maiden surname
Bull, George Thomas1908 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 791HarrisonMother’s maiden surname
1910, Jun-JulBull, –1910 S Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 731HarperMother’s maiden surname
Ball, Cyril William1910 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 760 
Bull, Susan Ethel1910 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 753JacksonMother’s maiden surname

Search 2 – Death of the first unidentified child in England

Potential matches for first unidentified child from GRO death index based on possible death date between February 1899 (first possible birth date) and April 1911 (date of the 1911 England Census). Search limited to ASHBOURNE registration district, surname Bull and variations (Ball, Bell, Bill, Boll).

NameAge at DeathGRO ReferenceMatching
GRO Birth Reference
Mother’s Maiden SurnameReason(s) Excluded
Bull, Thomas William11900 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 3721899 M Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 641ChellMother’s maiden surname
Bull, Nellie01901 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 3741900 S Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 679GoodallMother’s maiden surname
Bull, John01903 S Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 3431903 S Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 734HarperMother’s maiden surname
Bull, Arthur01908 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 3611908 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 787HarperMother’s maiden surname
Bull, Bertram Charles51909 J Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 3781904 M Quarter in BAKEWELL Volume 07B Page 894ForresterMother’s maiden surname
Bull, –01910 S Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 3261910 S Quarter in ASHBOURNE Volume 07B Page 731HarperMother’s maiden surname

Search 3 – Birth and death of the second unidentified child in Australia

Potential matches for second unidentified child from Queensland BDM index based on possible birth date between January 1912 to April 1913 and possible death date between January 1912 and December 1914 (the date of George’s death). Search limited to surname Bull and variations (Ball, Bell, Bill, Boll).

None found.


Although it has not been possible to identify either of the suspected children, there is enough evidence to support their existence. Therefore, they will be added to the family tree as unknown children.